Blaze Nation: Rudy Fernandez

I asked a question the other day that essentially boiled down to Portland’s immediate and distant future: Who should the Blazer’s draft when they defy the odds and win the draft lottery again this spring? Jay Kay everyone, I know they won’t pick #1 again, but apparently, a lot of people think the pick should be traded for a veteran presence. I mean, why add another young player to try and fill our current needs, when we have Greg Oden and Rudy Fernandez coming next year, right? Here’s the thing about that folks: this will prove to be a deeper, more talented draft than even ’03. A veteran presence could also mean an “old dog” to attempt to teach new (Nate McM) tricks, and though I’m sure a lot of you are reading about Rudy Fernandez, listening to Mike Rice give inflated praise to him, and watching his youTube reels, we don’t know who he is. Continue reading