Rocca’s new addition: LeBron?

Bronx Nets     Call me crazy, but if you know you’re going to lose a perennial all-star that is still in his prime when he gets the chance to sign unrestricted with whatever team he most prefers, shouldn’t you get something in return?

     The ultimate sin would be to trade LeBron James of course. But as an expert sooth sayer, I’ll just tip everyone off: LeBron is going to play for Jay-Z. He won’t return to his hometown Cavaliers, he won’t playing for Spike Lee’s boys in the NYC, he’s going to join Devin Harris, and the litany of young productive players in New Jersey (soon to be Brooklyn). As good as Brook Lopez is now, do you know how good he’ll be as LeBron plays out his 10 year Rocca contract? Ryan Anderson has shown what sort of Power Forward he can be as in his recent tilt against Josh Smith. And we can all see that Devin Harris is fast becoming an elite level PG.

     Yes, Cleveland is winning so far this year. And yes, LeBron wants to win more than play for his buddy JHova and definitely more than he wants to make $50 to $100 mil per year in Europe. But Cleveland is not built for the future like the Nets are. Not even with Mo Williams, and the prospect of signing Bosh next year too.

     Look, Cleveland is winning because of LeBron. Take LeBron away, and the 2009 Cavaliers are 2008’s Bucks. The 2009 Nets are winning without LeBron. Their young players are learning to win on their own. They have Vince Carter, but they aren’t completely dependent on Carter.

     Anderson Varejao, Ben Wallace, Zydrunas Illgauskas, Sasha Pavlovic are at their peaks or one their way back down the mountain. Devin Harris, Brook Lopez, Ryan Anderson, even Yi Jianlian and Chris Douglas-Roberts are good now, and still have room to improve.

     Man, you NEVER trade a legend! Never! But if I’m going to lose him anyway, shouldn’t I trade him so I get something in return?

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