A very practical, well thought, sensibly irrational hatred of ensemble casts

     Flip the channel on your Vizio to the World Wide Leader in Sports. Neal Everett, or some random sportscaster is uttering the line, “if some is good, then more is better…” to some highlight clip of ‘random favorite athlete’ scoring ‘generic points’ in Team A’s dramatic win over Team B. We’ll call that exhibit X.

     In this case, more is better. Exhibit X, is pulled out of a world of results directly correlated to crude numbers and production; more is better.

     In other cases, more is just more confusing. It’s make-up futilely dabbed over acne. It’s extra garnish on crappy pasta. It’s spritzing cologne when you didn’t have time to shower. It’s buying the new Air Jordans, but you can’t hit a J to save your life. Continue reading