Bud Selig has A-Rod envy

selig-milliondollarmanThe world’s highest paid sports commissioner Bud Selig is busy not earning his ridiculous salary again.

You’d think in a time when you league is already struggling with its image, and its busy losing the battler for young viewership, that you’d want for your brightest star to shine as bright as possible, ya? Well dumbasses, that’s why Bud Selig pays himself the big bucks, he knows that nothing says success in a down economy like slandering your meal ticket.

Instead of going a new route and providing a united front with the MLB’s Steve Austin (the 6 Million Dollar Man, not Stone Cold), he’s jumped on the media band wagon and pointed out how shameful Rodriguez is.

Really Bud, REALLY? Why not do something useful for once in your absolutely worthless tenure? Continue reading

America’s New Team

I think writing a title like is kind of lame, but I’m wishfully (or wistfully) thinking right now, so there it is.

Considering the state of the economy, is it too much to ask that we align ourselves behind a team like the Tampa Bay devil-less Rays that built itself on sound investments and good decision making?

Quit pandering to the already fat cats. It sort of defies logic that the majority of society desires to be Paris Hilton’s new BFF, we prefer fast food that we know is terrrrible for us, and we cheer on teams like the Cowboys, Yankees, Red Sawks, and the LA Galaxy (if you could see me right now, you’d see my tongue in my cheek). I grow weary of organizations that supplement savvy management with reckless checkbooks.

I know we weren’t raised like this. Because most of us were poor growing up, it’s just a fact. And those of us that were poor certainly didn’t root on the rich kids at our schools who tried to buy friends. So what changed? Continue reading

Quietly hitting 600 HR?

Kenneth Junior
Fantasy sports, Atlanta Braves, the Intimidator’s son be damned. When Ken Griffey Jr. (the only Junior that really matters) steps to the dish, I just want to see long balls. Continue reading

Soriano’s dinner


Alfonso Soriano is currently in the process of going Mike Tyson on the Pittsburgh Pirates.  Which is to say that Pirate pitchers are Pitt’s babies, and Soriano is Tyson wanting to eat them. Continue reading

And the Winner is…

So Maxim Mag conveniently let someone leak their Hot 100 (i.e. what sports bloggers have pegged as Derek Jeter’s little black book). As we’ve all heard by now, 6 members of Maxim’s list are all in the Yankee captain’s fave five six. So then the boys over at Extra Mustard raised the question: who has the better resume between John Mayer and Derek Jeter? Continue reading

Collusion and Schmollusion

Man!  It has seriously been about a good minute since I’ve written anything on here.  Call it a needed reprive, call it laziness, call it the flu … whatever it was, it’s time to start breaking the rust off.


I was reading some bits from the Fanhouse, and saw that Buster Olney is reporting the MLB Player’s Union is investigating possible collusion regarding Barry Bond’s current unemployment.

Continue reading

Mets hate Jose Reyes


     For whatever reason, the NY Mets are attempting to cripple their best player (perhaps the 2nd or 3rd most talented player in the Majors).  As an Atlanta Braves fan, I’ll go ahead and say it: there is no one that scares me more when he comes to the dish than Jose Reyes.  Continue reading

NW Hoops musings


I’ve been debating with friends for a while over who will be the better pro of the 3 Oregon Duck Seniors that will get drafted. I hear that Maarty doesn’t have the physical tools, that Bryce is too inconsistent, and that Malik is going to be a force. Almost universally I hear this. I have trouble believing that Maarty won’t find at least a Luke Walton/David Lee niche. (is it terrible that I necessarily lumped him in with 2 other white forwards that aren’t terribly athletic, but do the dirty work that coaches love?) And I think with the reduced pressure of his team NEEDING him to score to succeed, Bryce will open the flood gates and be a nice little Michael Finley-type. I mean, “yes”, obviously Finley was needed to score early in his career… so maybe I should say: Jason Kapono instead.


Who do the Blazers need in the draft this year? PG? Specifically Darren Collison, Jerryd Bayless, another shocking early pick and Derrick Rose? SF? Danilo Gallinari, Tyler Smith, or Ryan Anderson? …or my personal favorite that might not make sense: Kevin Love?

Response to BoSocky faithful.


Please read carefully this time:

I do not now have problem with the Red Sox organization or players, nor did I ever say that I did have a beef. I’m not upset in the slightest that they’ve won 2 out of the last 4 World Series. I won’t be surprised at all if the Jacoby Ellsbury-led Sox win 2 more titles in 4 more years. I will even camp overnight to be sure I am the first in line to buy tickets to go watch another Farrelly brothers Sox movie starring Jimmy Fallon and Curt Schilling’s Sock about how Johnny Damon has rings on 3 fewer fingers than David Ortiz.

Continue reading

Forgetful in Beantown


Dear Red Sox Nation,

Now that you’ve won your 2nd World Title in 4 seasons, I trust that this upcoming season, the rest of the baseball loving community can anticipate less childlike behavior from you. We all want to enjoy the MLB season, but since 1999, you have to understand that you have become quite insufferable. Continue reading