Response to BoSocky faithful.


Please read carefully this time:

I do not now have problem with the Red Sox organization or players, nor did I ever say that I did have a beef. I’m not upset in the slightest that they’ve won 2 out of the last 4 World Series. I won’t be surprised at all if the Jacoby Ellsbury-led Sox win 2 more titles in 4 more years. I will even camp overnight to be sure I am the first in line to buy tickets to go watch another Farrelly brothers Sox movie starring Jimmy Fallon and Curt Schilling’s Sock about how Johnny Damon has rings on 3 fewer fingers than David Ortiz.

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Forgetful in Beantown


Dear Red Sox Nation,

Now that you’ve won your 2nd World Title in 4 seasons, I trust that this upcoming season, the rest of the baseball loving community can anticipate less childlike behavior from you. We all want to enjoy the MLB season, but since 1999, you have to understand that you have become quite insufferable. Continue reading