Expanding something…


Roger Goodell thinks that reducing the number of pre-Season games, and extending the regular season would benefit the fans. At least that’s what he wants you to believe. Look, I hope no one is buying that. Star players just barely make it through 16 regular season games. So in order for a 17 or 18 game regular season to work there would need to be an additional BYE week or more games at the end of the season for the star players to sit out of.

What’s ‘Ole Roger really got in mind? More all-time records can fall with 2 more regular season games.

But seriously though, for the guy who is making his name as the iron fist, the new regime demanding more character of his players, I’m slightly put off by this. More record chases equal more dollars at the expense of his players’ health, and I don’t mind that, but I just want him to come out and say it instead of pretending it’s some noble quest for quality.